Acadia Equine Rehabilitation

A lifetime horse person and dressage enthusiast, Jenny Rukavina was inspired to create an equine rehabilitation business after rehabilitating her own horse, Acadia, in less-than-ideal circumstances. Jenny was teaching high school biology full-time and commuting 20 miles twice daily to medicate and walk her mare after stifle surgery. Acadia recovered from her injury and went back into dressage training, but the idea of providing equine rehabilitation services to other horse owners in similar situations stuck with Jenny, and Acadia Equine Rehabilitation (AER) was born.

Jenny knows first-hand how overwhelming it can be to have an injured horse -- making decisions at lightning speed and trying to understand the medical lexicon. She draws on her experience as a biology teacher to relate veterinary protocols and rehabilitation plans to horse owners and trainers in the same situation. Jenny is compassionate, knowledgeable and, above all, an advocate for the horse.

With more than 25 years of experience in the horse industry as a barn manager, horse owner, and show groom for large training operations, Jenny has been able to assemble a professional, experienced team to care for each individual horse in AER's rehabilitation program. This is where Jenny and AER really shine. Jenny's ability to call on equine professionals from all realms of veterinary and therapeutic care helps her achieve the best possible outcome for each patient. Helping the horse heal is Jenny's main priority.

A perpetual student, Jenny added Equine and Canine Massage Therapist to her list of accreditations in 2008. In addition to utilizing her skills on AER clients, she has taught equine and canine massage therapy at the Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure and Massage since late 2008. In September 2014, Jenny purchased the Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure and Massage, and is enjoying her new role as director. The massage classes are held at AER, and many of the rehabilitation horses get to benefit from students practicing their new skills!

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